Groups and activities
Wriggly readers
Our Story and Rhyme Time for 0-4 year olds takes place every Thursday 10.30-11.00am during term time. It's a great way for the under fours and their parents and carers to enjoy some stories and nursery rhymes and develop their love of books.
Knit and stitch
Our Knit and Stitch group is an informal meeting held on alternate Fridays afternoons. Bring along your knitting and enjoy a chat and a cuppa.
Construction Club
For children of 4 and over. Come along and build whatever you want with Lego. Alternate Wednesday afternoons 3-4.30pm.
Cuppa & Company
Our fortnightly coffee morning group meets on the second and fourth Friday of the month when the library is closed. This group is aimed at lonely or isolated people and gives an opportunity to meet together socially, share stories, have a hot drink and make new friends.
Games afternoon
Our games afternoons will be on alternate Friday afternoons starting 31.1.25 from 2.30-4.30pm. Games will be provided but feel free to bring your own.